
This online reference is meant to give an in-depth understanding of all types of high-speed cameras; from the rotating mirror camera first developed in the 40's to modern BSI CMOS image sensors. I won't use any formulas or derivations unless absolutely necessary, as the general concepts behind high-speed cameras are simple to understand given a basic knowledge of physical phenomena.

I'm not planning on a bibliography for now (mostly due to laziness), but please contact me if you would like to see the source for a specific piece of information. I've worked with digital and rotating prism high-speed cameras and have designed rotating mirror systems so I have reasonable amounts of experience with this area.

Unless otherwise noted everything in here was written/created by me. Please do not copy anything without permission.

Happy reading, and please contact me (email address at bottom) if you have any questions!

Table of Contents

Due to the large size of this reference it is split up into multiple pages corresponding to a chapter listed below:

  1. Sequentially shuttered cameras
  2. Intermittent Cameras
  3. Continuous feed streak (including rotating drum)
  4. Rotating mirror streak cameras
  5. Rotating mirror optically compensated cameras (stationary film)
  6. Rotating mirror optically compensated cameras (moving film)
  7. Image dissection cameras
  8. High-speed holography
  9. Electron converter based systems
  10. Digital High-Speed Cameras
  11. Compressed sensing
  12. Mirror dynamics
  13. Light-sensitive devices
  14. Light sources


Here are some definitions of commonly used words that are potentially confusing.

Why is high speed photography useful?

There are so many applications of high-speed photography that it would take a book to list each niche. Pretty much anything that occurs faster than the human eye can perceive is a potential application, and one will quickly find that this encompasses a very wide range of events. I'll give a few broad areas that are of note.

Of course, the framing rate that is necessary varies widely between events, from 10^2 fps to 10^14 fps and above.

Contact me at [my first name]